Informative seminar dedicated to the Days of Europe, entitled "The contribution of European Union funded programs to the development of geological and seismological research in the country, during the years 2010-2020".

Informative seminar dedicated to the Days of Europe, entitled "The contribution of European Union funded programs to the development of geological and seismological research in the country, during the years 2010-2020".


On 13.05.2021, at the Institute of Geology and Seismology in Chisinau, an informative Seminar dedicated to Europe Days was held, entitled "The contribution of programs funded by the European Union to the development of geological and seismological research in the country, during 2010-2020" .

The seminar took place online, in connection with the global pandemic situation. However, the seminar was attended by both researchers from the country and from Romania. A total of 22 people from research institutions, universities, ministries and local public administration representatives. 7 presentations were heard at the seminar:

Presentation of the ESNET project, within the Black Sea Basin program - coordinator Dr. hab. vasile ALCAZ. the period of realization of the project 2012-2014.
ESNET project partners:

National Research and Development Institute for Earth Physics, Romania,

National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,

International Foundation for Humanitarian Aid and Development, Turkey,

Institute of Geology and Seismology, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,

Users and data providers:

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Republic of Moldova

Civil Protection and Exceptional Situations Service / MAI RM,

Chisinau City Hall,

Information Society Development Institute,

Technical University of Moldova,

State University of Moldova,

The theme of the presentation was: "Seismic safety network in the Black Sea basin", which discussed the seismic hazard in the Republic of Moldova, issues in ensuring seismic security of the country, and the necessary measures (scientific, political and administrative) reduction of seismic hazard, both for the territory of the Republic of Moldova and for the neighboring territories.

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