

European Researchers' Night invites you to participate!


Because the European Researchers' Night is approaching, an event that celebrates science, innovation and creativity, the organizers have prepared a series of competitions for children and young people!

All the works submitted to the competitions will be presented on the event's website https://noapteacercetatorilor.md and on its Facebook page and will be evaluated by both the general public and an academic jury. The winners will be announced at the European Researchers' Night, on November 27, 2020, online on the event's website and Facebook page.

Informative seminar dedicated to the Days of Europe, entitled "The contribution of European Union funded programs to the development of geological and seismological research in the country, during the years 2010-2020".


On 13.05.2021, at the Institute of Geology and Seismology in Chisinau, an informative Seminar dedicated to Europe Days was held, entitled "The contribution of programs funded by the European Union to the development of geological and seismological research in the country, during 2010-2020" .

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